skip to the technical desciptionI love to use ratpoison as a Window Manager, as its a very small and simple
tiling window manager, that does exactly what I expect it to do, most times,
and integrates perfectly in toolchains, making heavy use of terminals, screen, vim and of course the famous vimperator firefox plugin.
Actually its a pain in everyday use of the computer to
switch the fingers motoric focus to between the rattish rodent, formerly known
as "mouse" and the keyboard.
So the aim of ratpoison, as the name says, is to ban the
computer mouse, or whatever else pointing device you are addicted to use to,
getting you, the computer user, into a more free, position as a ruler of your
own hardware, and not the opposite (as in addicted to the hardware).
Linux terminal users used to have the reputation of having
a black screen with a blinking light somewhere in the lower left area of the
screen, typing in strange and lengthy character lines that result either in "?"
(when even using ED in the terminal), or in some empty response or even many screens of strange characters scrolling fast over the one and only text window.
Though most linux users I know of even like 3D open gl
extensions, using a animated cube to switch between full screen terminal
desktops, within a graphically full pimped KDE screen.
On the other hand, it does not makes sense to have multiple
desktop which such a versatile window manager, ratpoison is, I still like to
have those shiny features a KDE desktop provides, sometimes, showing my the
time of day in a nice desktop clock and the local weather conditions, that I
need to pass through, when I need another pizza.
In the last weeks I decided, that I cannot miss, under any
circumstance, the cool look of a halve transparent terminal window living on
top of a cool desktop background.
But ratpoison is so simple, that is so simple, being far
away from being a composite window manager and is it not easy to use ratpoison
within a KDE4 session, with a plasma-desktop. So I will describe here in
short, after the bit lengthy introduction, how to use ratpoison as a window
manager for KDE4 anyway, using some of the cool look of a composite window
manager too.
Now for the real thing
First of all you need to tune ratpoison a bit in
.ratpoisonrc, to put the "plasma-desktop" windows into unmanaged mode, leaving
them (nearly) untouched by the window manager
So you need a line in $HOME/.ratpoisonrc:
unmanage plasma-desktop
As ratpoison isn't a composite window manager at all, you
can add a simple transparency mode, using xcompmgr. This one
can be tuned by some options introducing fading and drop shadows (useless for
our borderless ratpoison windows), I simply use another line in
$HOME/.ratpoisonrc to start that up:
exec xcompmgr -n
Now you should edit some kdm session to start a
ratpoison-kde-session session start file. Those .desktop
files can be found in /usr/share/xsessions. I use such session files
to start gpg-agent, ssh-agent or some xprop or xset tunes, but finally you
export KDEWM="/usr/bin/ratpoison" exec startkde "$@"
Now you should be able to startup a full KDE session using
ratpoison as the window manager. The plasma-desktop is started unmanaged as a
fullscreen root. The xcompmgr makes it possible to start a konsole or
gnome-terminal or XFCE terminal or any other transparency capable terminal and
have a cool dimmed transparent look for you former black and white text input
If you want to focus the desktop, to setup some mini
programs you can simply press ^t- to unselect a focused window and
show the unmanaged background. You can also pad the ratpoison controlled area
with ^t:set padding left top right bottom making the desktop more
visible. I generally have some shortcuts to quickly show and hide dedicated
parts of te desktop.
Now there are two slight problems I leave on TODO for now,
one of which I already solved by a patch to the ratpoison code. The first
problem is, that the KDE control panel is hidden invisible behind the desktop,
as ratpoison has no means of stacking order or dock and desktop window types.
This one can be solved by a very simple and short patch I already fed to the
ratpoison development team.
The other problem is, that there is no way, to get input
focus into plasma mini programs or panel main menu for example. This patch
shouldn't be too hard too, but still needs a bit research in the ratpoison
Tuning xcompmgr
As it is very easy to use ratpoison to write hooks and
custom keyboard commands, it is also very easy to control xcompmgr through
simple scripts.
The atom used to control a windows opacity for example, is
called _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY, whose value us a 32bit unsined integer
(cardinal), that expresses the opacity value from
0xffffffff for full opaque to
0x00000000 for full transparency.
A simple call to xprop can change the opacity of the window:
xprop -f _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 32c \ -set _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 0x90000000 \Here xprop lets you select the window by mouse click.
Let's assume we want to change opacity to value x
in ratpoison frame number y:
c=$(ratpoison -c "curframe"); ratpoison -c "fselect $x">/dev/null id=$(ratpoison -c "info %i") ratpoison -c "fselect $c">/dev/null xprop -f _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 32c \ -set _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY $y \ -id $idIt's all so easy now.
More help on this topic is available at ikrabbe dot ask at
gmail dot com